Productive! Magazine no. 21 — the top quotes.
Here is the list of quotes from the latest issue of Productive! Magazine. We are going to use them to promote this edition and show our appreciation for the great contribution by the authors of the articles. Do not hesitate to use any of the below sentences to share it with your friends on Twitter, Facebook etc. The magazine is free, is contains no ads and offers a whole range of ever-green, practical tips.
Interview with Pat Flynn
"In the first month after I launched that electronic book, I had made $7908.55 from a $19.99 e-book" @PatFlynn in
"What was the worst time of my life actually became a trigger for so many better things." #passiveincome @PatFlynn in
"Sometimes people need almost dramatic moments in life to discover there are other opportunities available" @PatFlynn in
5 differences between average and uber-productive people — Sara Caputo
Find out the 5 differences between average and uber-productive people #productivity @Radiant in
"People who are #uber-productive don’t complain about what they have to do or need to get done." @Radiant in
"In order to get to the things that matter, something has to be let go" #intentionallylettingthingsgo @Radiant in
How to effortlessly create new habits — Kosio Angelov
How to easily form new healthy habits and stick to them using the "Habit Formation Trifecta" system @KosioAngelov in
"The more friction you eliminate, the easier you make it to ignore the inner voices telling you to quit" @KosioAngelov in
"People are far more likely to finish things if they can just get over the hump of making the first step" @KosioAngelov in
Reducing inefficiencies and breaking bottlenecks — Laura Stack
How to reduce inefficiencies and breaking #bottlenecks @laurastack in #productivity #management
"Take the new information, use it to create more efficient processes, and put those processes to work" @laurastack in
"...some things just take time to complete. Let those bottlenecks go and move on to others you can fix." @laurastack in
4 keys for improving performance — Les Taylor
"Leadership is all about influence, not about title or control." @LesTaylorAZ in #leadership #outperformers
Find out what are the 4 keys for improving performance @LesTaylorAZ in #leadership #outperformers #productivity
"Being an effective communicator is half of the equation for becoming an effective leader." @LesTaylorAZ in
Your personal system — general design — Gonçalo Gil Mata
"You can't afford a system that demands a lot and fails to return high impact." @GoncaloGilMata in
"The idea of achieving a single system that works perfectly under any circumstances seems like Utopia" @GoncaloGilMata in
"A good system gives us the true freedom to feel the flow of life and enjoy every moment..." @GoncaloGilMata in
How to stay motivated: The art & science of leveraging small wins — Patrik Edblad
How to stay motivated: The art & science of leveraging small wins @Selfication in #motivation #goals #productivity
"Recording our progress helps us appreciate our small wins which in turn boosts our sense of confidence." @Selfication in
"To actually make progress, you need to fall in love with the everyday grind of pursuing your goal." @Selfication in
Is guilt stealing your time? — Grace Marshall
Discover time management’s guilty secret with @GraceMarshall in #productivity #timemanagement #feelingguilty
"Ever notice how the thing you feel guilty about is never the thing you’re focused on?" @GraceMarshall in
"I feel guilty when I have to work late… and when I leave the office." Sounds familiar? Read @GraceMarshall in
Posted on Thursday, June 26, 2014